Welcome from the Provost
Welcome to the website for the Office of the Provost! The provost is the chief academic officer and chief budget officer of the University. Along with a dedicated staff, I oversee the many deans, chairs, directors, and administrative staff members who work tirelessly to ensure the continued vitality of Princeton’s teaching and research activities.
The Office of the Provost has primary responsibility for academic planning and budgeting, space planning, international initiatives, institutional equity, and institutional research. In all of these domains, we seek to support our academic and administrative colleagues in their work and to enable collaborative efforts to achieve shared goals.
This website includes guidance and resources to facilitate your interactions with our office. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly if we can be of any assistance.
Jennifer Rexford
Provost and the Gordon Y.S. Wu Professor in Engineering
and Professor of Computer Science

Contact information and committees for the Office of the Provost staff