

The Academic Planning Group (APG) is a group of faculty administrators on the President’s Cabinet who hold University-wide leadership roles with responsibilities for guiding the academic mission of the University as a whole. Its members are the president, the provost (who, according to Chapter II.B of Rules and Procedures of the Faculty, chairs the meetings), the dean of the faculty, the dean of the College, the dean of the Graduate School, and the dean for research. The vice provost for academic affairs serves as secretary. Deputies of APG members and other members of their senior staff may be invited to attend APG meetings, depending on agenda items. The group meets approximately every other week during the academic year. The group also convenes for a series of meetings over the course of a week during the summer.

The APG acts as the primary administrative review body for academic matters and advises the president and provost on all such matters. Through internal reporting as well as external academic reviews, the APG assesses and monitors the strengths and opportunities of the University’s academic departments and programs. All major questions of academic policy and all changes to institution-wide academic practice come before this group. All major proposals for academic programs and projects also come before this group, particularly any that present significant changes to existing programs or structures or that have significant implications for University resources or for fundraising priorities. Proposals for new academic departments and programs, for new degrees or other credentials, for new research centers and major research intiatives, for substantial new partnerships or other institutional commitments, or for other major new undertakings by academic departments or programs must be approved by this group before going through the remainder of the faculty or administrative approval process.

Chairs and directors with any questions about matters that may appear before the APG should discuss them with the appropriate APG member or with its secretary and may refer to the Framework and Guidelines for a Proposal to the APG.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Jennifer Rexford
  • Name
    Cole M. Crittenden
    Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

The Benefits Committee is authorized by the Board of Trustees to approve changes to the existing benefits plans, additions of plans and changes or additions of programs, services or resources related to the plans. Generally, most changes for consideration are conceived and presented by the Office of Human Resources and Risk Management.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Jennifer Rexford

The Budget Deputies Group includes the most senior financial and administrative officer reporting to each of seventeen administrative members of the president's cabinet. Convened by the Office of the Provost and the Budget Office, the Budget Deputies Group serves as a forum in which to discuss and consider improvements to the University's budgetary and financial processes and policies, to ask questions and solicit feedback on budgetary, financial, and administrative matters, and to share experiences, insights, and best practices among colleagues. The group meets three to four times per fiscal year.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Richard Myers
    Deputy Provost for Resource Planning

The CPUC was established as "a permanent conference of the representatives of all major groups of the University” where “they could each raise problems that concern them and … be exposed to each other’s views.” The provost chairs the Executive Committee, which is responsible for setting Council agenda.

For more information, see the Council of the Princeton University Community page.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Jennifer Rexford

The Data Governance Steering Committee provides a structure for campus-wide discussions about protecting Princeton data and for guiding campus initiatives that relate to the use of University information. Membership is comprised of executive-level staff from the Office of Finance and Treasury, Office of the Registrar, Office of the General Counsel, Office of the Dean of the Faculty, Audit and Compliance, Human Resources, Office of the Executive Vice President and Office of Information Technology.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Jed Marsh
    Vice Provost for Institutional Research

The Data Management Advisory Group (DMAG) focuses on issues of data management as they relate to student, employee, faculty, financial and health record data. The group is assessing best practices and issues relating to data classification, data sharing, data safeguarding and proper use. The group is chaired by the deputy CIO for OIT operations and planning and membership includes staff from OIT and most administrative departments.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Jed Marsh
    Vice Provost for Institutional Research

The Enterprise Systems Planning Group (ESPG) critically assesses all IT systems efforts, determines existing needs and identifies key opportunities to leverage our IT investments. The group is chaired by the CIO and comprised of executive leadership from the administrative offices.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Richard Myers
    Deputy Provost for Resource Planning

The vice provost for space programming and planning is a member of the following sub committees or working groups of ESRM:

  • Security Advisory Group (SAG)
  • Health, Safety, and Accessibility (HSA)

For more information, please visit ESRM

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Paul LaMarche
    Vice Provost for Space Programming and Planning
  • Name
    Amy Bristol
    Associate Provost for Space Programming and Planning

The Executive Risk Management Committee (ERMC) is responsible for reviewing the risks associated with the institutional mission and objectives, ascertaining the University's appropriate risk tolerance for those risks and ensuring that necessary mitigation strategies are in place, resourced appropriately and integrated with existing initiatives to enhance management and control.

Supported by an organizational structure that formally assigns responsibility for identifying and mitigating risks to senior managers across the institution, the committee’s process focuses administrative attention and resources on significant issues. The risk management effort also informs the Office of Audit and Compliance’s University-wide audit and compliance work plan.

For more information, visit the Office of the Executive Vice President

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Jennifer Rexford

The Facilities Planning Group, chaired by the provost, approves all major projects for new construction and improvements to existing buildings and infrastructure for the University. In addition to the provost, the group members are as following: the executive vice president, the vice president of facilities, the vice president for finance & treasury, the vice provost for space programming and planning, the assistant vice president for facilities- design & construction, the University architect, and representatives of the Office of Design & Construction, University Architect's Office, Real Estate Office, Office of Development and Community and Regional Affairs. This group meets monthly to approve and discuss a wide array of projects and initiatives affecting virtually every corner of the University. These projects range from very large building complexes, like the Lewis Center for the Arts, to more modest projects like laboratory renovations for individual PI's. Discussions in the meeting typically examine University priorities for allocating resources to projects critical to the health and well-being of the University.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Jennifer Rexford
  • Name
    Paul LaMarche
    Vice Provost for Space Programming and Planning
  • Name
    Amy Bristol
    Associate Provost for Space Programming and Planning

The Faculty Advisory Committee on Appointments and Advancements (the Committee of Three or C/3 for short) is the one with which chairs of departments have the greatest interaction. The president chairs the C/3 and the provost serves as chair on those rare occasions that the president is absent. The dean of the faculty acts as secretary, ensuring that cases to be brought before the committee are complete and soliciting referee information on the committee's behalf. The deans of the Graduate School and the college are also ex officio members of the committee.

For more information, visit the Dean of the Faculty


Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Jennifer Rexford

The FACP consists of the faculty members who serve on the Executive Committee of the Council of the Princeton University Community (CPUC). It is chaired by the president with the dean of the faculty as secretary. Meetings are attended by the provost, and, when needed, by the deans of the Graduate School and the college. The FACP is scheduled to meet during the third week of every month during the academic year, or when summoned by the president, or at its own request.

For more information, visit the Dean of the Faculty

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Jennifer Rexford
  • Name
    Paul LaMarche
    Vice Provost for Space Programming and Planning

The Committee on Classrooms and Schedule is authorized by the faculty to arrange the academic calendar in accordance with the rules and procedures of the faculty. The committee assesses classroom and teaching laboratory space and recommends physical and technological improvements that meet the evolving pedagogical needs of the University. After consultation with the dean of the college and with representatives of the various departments concerned, the committee arranges hours for undergraduate class exercises and examinations.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Paul LaMarche
    Vice Provost for Space Programming and Planning
    Ex Officio Member
  • Name
    Amy Bristol
    Associate Provost for Space Programming and Planning
    Sits with Committee

Directors of programs or departments wishing to undertake a program-related fundraising project should prepare an initial proposal to be submitted to the Provost or Executive Vice President for review and prioritization in relation to the University’s mission. Proposals affecting the University’s academic programs must be approved by the Academic Planning Group before being considered for fundraising approval.

The Fundraising Priorities Committee (FPC) considers and makes final decisions on requests for authorization of fundraising initiatives.  Cabinet-level members of the FPC include the President, Provost, Dean of the Faculty, Vice President for Finance and Treasurer, Executive Vice President, and Vice President for Advancement.  The work of the FPC is supported by the Fundraising Priorities Working Group, comprised of administrators from the Offices of the President, the Provost, the Executive Vice President, Corporate Engagement and Foundation Relations, and Development. 

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Jennifer Rexford

The Fundraising Priorities Working Group (FPWG) is housed within the Office of Development and works to prepare items for the Fundraising Priorities Committee. The group reviews fundraising requests and matches donor interests with academic or administrative initiatives and programs within the University.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Richard Myers
    Deputy Provost for Resource Planning

The Global Collaborative Network (GCN) grant supports the development of international scholarly networks that engage Princeton with centers of learning worldwide. GCN grants are available to build and sustain scholarly collaborations that promote career development in an international context for Princeton scholars at all levels of seniority. The overall goal is to enhance Princeton-based scholars' efforts to design and participate in global networks by offering resources for the creation and expansion of international collaboration. 

The Global Scholars Program enables the University to recruit stellar scholars from outside the United States into recurring, multi-year teaching appointments at Princeton in all disciplines and regional studies programs. The scholars are incorporated into departments’ and programs’ curricula and events, and engage in scholarly exchange with Princeton faculty and students. These appointments bring vital new voices from abroad to Princeton departments and classrooms to inaugurate and sustain durable ties between Princeton and academic centers of excellence around the world.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Aly Kassam-Remtulla
    Associate Provost for International Affairs

This committee consists of University senior leadership who meet to discuss the priorities of the Office of Governmental Affairs. The committee provides guidance on ongoing federal matters. This committe is managed by the director of government affairs.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Jennifer Rexford

For more information on the Institutional Equity & Diversity Committees, please visit the Inclusive website.

Provost representation of the committee includes:

The IRB oversees human subjects research. The IRB only oversees activity that involves both components: research and human subjects. 

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Jed Marsh
    Vice Provost for Institutional Research

The vice provost for international affairs and operations is one of the executive sponsors of the International Crisis Management Team and convenes the group when an international crisis of natural or human origins warrants a University response. The ICMT is composed of representatives from various offices and groups (the participant list can be expanded or contracted based on the particular nature of the crisis). Information about campus and University-sponsored crisis response efforts can be found on the  International Princeton website.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Aly Kassam-Remtulla
    Vice Provost for International Affairs
    Executive Sponsor

The purpose of the newly established International Fund (IF) is to help faculty members implement innovative ideas that enhance the international scope of the University’s research and teaching mission.  This fund is intended to address new opportunities that are not well served by existing external or internal funding sources (e.g., government or non-government grants and contracts; Strategic Partnerships, Global Collaborative Networks, Global Scholars, or LABs; Global Summer Seminars, The 250th Anniversary Fund for Curricular Innovation, and other structured programs administered by central offices and academic units). 

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Aly Kassam-Remtulla
    Associate Provost for International Affairs

The Learning Across Borders program (LABs) supports faculty-led programs of short duration (1-2 weeks) that allow faculty members to share their scholarship with students in an international context and connect to curricular themes outside of the traditional classroom. These can be curricular or co-curricular programs (the latter being activities outside of but complementary to the official curriculum, such as a civic or service activity outside the classroom) with the goal of providing opportunities for faculty members to contribute their scholarly expertise in a way that enriches students’ academic experience and fosters global perspectives in the existing curriculum. Beyond the obvious benefits to students, LABs projects also allow faculty members the opportunity to share intellectual interests with students and colleagues outside of defined research expectations and disciplinary boundaries and to support exploration in new or emerging areas of intellectual inquiry.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Aly Kassam-Remtulla
    Associate Provost for International Affairs

This committee will provide counsel and advice to the president on architectural matters, including the review of potential architects to design University buildings, and will work with the Trustee Committee on Grounds and Buildings. The president will call on the committee as needed, as we enhance the campus with the guidance of the forthcoming campus framework plan.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Jennifer Rexford
  • Name
    Paul LaMarche
    Vice Provost for Space Programming and Planning

In 2008 Princeton University established the PPPL Management Group, an entity solely dedicated to overseeing the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. The PPPL Management Group consists of a Board of Directors and an Advisory Board staffed with a cadre of experts. The University appoints individuals to the Board of Directors who have science and/or business credientials and broad experience relevant to the operating of PPPL.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Jennifer Rexford

The Humboldt - Princeton Strategic Partnership supports departments, programs, and centers seeking resources to sustain on-going transnational research and teaching collaborations and invites proposals from faculty that promote collaborations between the two institutions.  Princeton and Humboldt Universities provide resources to build durable ties through faculty-designed collaborations, creating the capacity for faculty and students to enhance and sustain academic cooperation by moving back and forth between the two universities with joint institutional support.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Aly Kassam-Remtulla
    Associate Provost for International Affairs

The Princeton University-Sciences Po Collaborative Research Grants program is designed to provide “seed-corn” support for interactions between researchers at both institutions to build the basis for new research and teaching initiatives and proposals for external funding, to help sustain and expand collaborative activity.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Aly Kassam-Remtulla
    Associate Provost for International Affairs

The Princeton University and University of Geneva Collaborative Grants program is designed to provide “seed-corn” support for interactions between researchers at both institutions to build the basis for new research and teaching initiatives and proposals for external funding, to help sustain and expand collaborative activity.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Aly Kassam-Remtulla
    Associate Provost for International Affairs

The University of Tokyo - Princeton Strategic Partnership supports departments, programs, and centers seeking resources to sustain on-going transnational research and teaching collaborations and invites proposals from faculty that promote collaborations between the two institutions.  Princeton and the University of Tokyo provide resources to build durable ties through faculty-designed collaborations, creating the capacity for faculty and students to enhance and sustain academic cooperation by moving back and forth between the two universities with joint institutional support.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Aly Kassam-Remtulla
    Associate Provost for International Affairs


The Priorities Committee is a subcommittee of the Council of the Princeton University Community (CPUC) and is advisory to the president. The committee reviews the operating budget of the University, considers issues that arise in the course of the preparation of that budget and reviews plans for the development of the University. The provost chairs the committee which also includes the dean of the faculty, the executive vice president, the treasurer, six faculty members (at least one from each division and one non-tenured), four undergraduate and two graduate students (chosen with due consideration to the variety of interests represented in the student body) and one member from one of the other groups represented. In addition, the vice provost for academic and budget planning, the assistant provost for academic management and the budget director and associate provost for finance also meet with the committee.


Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Jennifer Rexford
  • Name
    Timothy Tayler
    Associate Provost Budget Planning

The Project Managers Team (PMT) provides leadership and guidance on the delivery of administrative products and services, and continues to support the application and data management principles established under Partnership 2000. The PMT acts as the “working group” in support of the efforts of the Enterprise Systems Planning Group (ESPG).

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Jonathan Stoessel
    Institutional Research Analyst

The Provost Budget Group (PBG) conducts final reviews of requests for funding and any substantive changes to existing funding arrangements within the University. In partnership with Finance and Treasury, the PBG annually audits several sources of funding for the University and advises on funding mechanisms, opportunities and best practices.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Jennifer Rexford
  • Name
    Richard Myers
    Deputy Provost for Resource Planning

The Real Estate Committee (REC) is a sub-committee of the Facilities Planning Group (FPG). The Gifts of Real Estate Committee (GREC) is a sub-committee of the REC. With the Office of Development, the GREC determines whether to accept or decline prospective donated real property. Although the vice provost for space programming and planning is not a standing member of the GREC, he and others are consulted either as part of property reviews or via the REC. Real Estate Committee’s charge: To review, discuss, and vote on real property transactions, including:

  1. Real estate-related strategy
  2. Acquisitions and dispositions
  3. Rentals (with the University as landlord and/or tenant)
  4. Projects
  5. Donated property, via the Gifts of Real Estate Committee
Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Paul LaMarche
    Vice Provost for Space Programming and Planning

The Strategic Advisory Group on IT (SAGIT) advises the provost on the budgetary matters related to IT systems projects that have been endorsed by the Enterprise Systems Planning Group (ESPG) and other projects that are presented by the vice president for information technology and/or the provost.  

Read more information about this on the OIT website.

Provost representation of the committee includes:
  • Name
    Jennifer Rexford